Mothers Day at the McNay

by Natalia Trevino

There is no poem or other weaving that can capture what motherhood has done for me. I think I will be able to write about it until the end, and if I do, I will only maybe relay a scraping of that incredible iceberg.

My new Mary poems are really poems about motherhood--and I can literally feel in my body, as any mother probably can--the incredible size of the reservoir I have to draw from for this subject. It feels like infinity. Some mothers scrapbook from this deep well. Others stay up all night doing soccer game preparations, and others do it with the art of food and joy. Creation is creation is creation.

My mothers that I remember, my grandmothers, great grandmothers, my natural mother, my poetry mothers, and then my own role as a mother all roll into my consciousness to awaken the realization in me that the cells that make me me are a part of a great privilege, the privilege of witnessing creation and nourishment.

Robert Indiana is the artist who you might know for his famous work with LOVE and other four letter words. His exhibit, which is on at the McNay right now here in San Antonio, is incredible--and we have the privilege of checking it out for a few more days.

For Mother's Day, I am doing a joint performance with other poets at the McNay, and this performance is inspired by the work of Robert Indiana. Here is a short description of it.

2-3 PM, Sunday, May 11th, at the McNay.

Hope you can come out!

Mother America 

"In blending image and text, Robert Indiana often quoted American writers Hart Crane, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and William Carlos Williams. Explore the crossover between painting and poetry with a poetry reading celebrating Indiana, American literature, and mothers. A collaboration with Gemini Ink, readers include Jim La Villa-Havelin, Bill Lewis, Natalia Trevino, and Laura Van Prooyen, with introductions by Sheila Black. A light reception with take-home flowers for mothers follows."

Take home flowers, modern art, a wide range of poems--it will be a meditation and celebration of Indiana's work, his inspirations, and even a little bit about a great love of his life--his most influential mother. 

Blessings and Happy Mother's Day!




Bill James, Jen Lambert, and April in SA

by Natalia Trevino

I loved doing the blog tour with Wendy Call, and now two more writers have added their name to the game, author Bill James and poet Jen Lambert, both terrific writers. Bill is the author of Parnucklian for Chocolate, and Jen is a beautiful poet I want to wow. She's the editor of the new journal, burntdistrict and founder of Spark Wheel Press.  

See Bill's answers to those four questions here at his cool blog where he gives a free sample of Parnucklian for Chocolate, which to me is very Joycean, though his Ulysses is hearkening for just a tad bit of sanity. Wait, aren't all the the Ulyssi doing just that? Anyway, check out his contribution to the blog tour at "A Friend of My Mind."

Jen Lambert tells us about her writing process in The Presence Project, a fabulous blog, a stream of contemplations about her own journey to experience what is now. She is a breathtaking writer, and I am so glad she joined our tour! Please have a gander at this honest poet who is living in Newfoundland for the moment and could be living in Turkey at any moment in the future.


And what does April hold for me here in San Antonio aside from the bluebonnets, which I may not be able to live without in the coming months? It is so unfair that they will be gone, the walls of blue flowers along the highway, the ground a stream of blue throw rugs across the city, which is normally neither green nor blue, but brown and sad usually, dying from drought after the revival it gets in March and April. Kills me. But April also has three wonderful chances for me to share my work!

April 5th, I will be reading along with my dear friend and mentor, Carmen Tafolla at the San Antonio Book Festival. I am so grateful SA has this festival now. This is our second annual festival, organized by our library. Last year was a great success. It was much like an AWP day, frantic, tons of sessions with my favorite writers like Daniel Chacon, Reyna Grande, Sandra Cisneros, Carmen Tafolla, Pablo Martinez, Erasmo Guerra, and Laurie Ann Guerrero, our new poet laureate! Then the whole thing ended right at 5 PM. Done. It was too fast, but wonderfully nourishing enough to keep me fat and happy all year long. This year, I am a part of it.

April 13th, an interview I did with Benjamin Alire Saenz and Daniel Chacon will air on their radio program, Words on a Wire. I think it airs at 4 pm Mountain. They've interviewed folks like Natalie Goldberg, Richard Montoya, and Xánath Caraza, as well as my dear friend, iréne lara silva. I am so excited to be on this show. Tune into KTEP, or just download the show once it airs. Que bueno!

April 23rd, I am the featured reader at the monthly Voices de la Luna workshop and reading at Barnes & Noble, La Cantera here in San Antonio. Author Mo H. Said invited me to join them for a night of workshop and reading. Starts at 6! Reading is at 7!

I have some fun news about May, but want to be sure of it before I post! And you are here because you are interested in writing, yes? Well, thanks for reading and enough procrastinating already--jot it down. Jot down what your mind's eye sees or wants to see. C'mon--


thrilled to be invited to the San Antonio Book Festival on 5 april!

by Natalia Trevino

I just heard this morning that I am invited to participate in the San Antonio Book Festival! It was a joy to go last year and enjoy all the writers I love, Carmen Tafolla, Sandra Cisneros, Reyna Grande, Laurie Ann Guerrero, Erasmo Guerra, and so many more! It will be strange and amazing to be on the other side of the mic if they ask me to do a reading and on the other side of the pen when I do my signings. Looking forward to a beautiful day in April. I'll post details as I learn of them! I remember seeing Alice Walker at the San Antonio Book Fair many many years ago when I was an undergrad at UTSA. I was awestruck, and I always loaned that book to students when they needed it. I lost that book somewhere along the way, but I remember her face clearly. I remember her reading, and her discussion being on the angry side. She was in discussion with Linda Hogan. What a memory. I am so glad a book festival is coming again. Thanks to the hard work of those at the San Antonio Library Foundation. Please click on their site and look at the events as they unfold, and with so much of their efforts depending on volunteers, please also give them a hug$ if you can. San Antonio needs to increase literacy, and these people are dedicated to doing it. San Antonio Book Festival

23 april, 2014, Barnes & Noble, La Cantera, 7PM

by Natalia Trevino

Join me 7 PM, Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at Barnes & Noble at The Shops of La Cantera,  for Voices de La Luna's April gathering. They will have their monthly poetry workshop at 6, and then I will be reading at 7. Should be a wonderful night of words and friendship. Interested in getting a wide readership of your newest poem? Submit to Voices de la Luna, a quarterly poetry and arts magazine based here in San Antonio and co-edited by Mo H Saidi, retired MD and professor, a fascinating member of San Antonio's literary community. Thank you, Voices de la Luna for inviting me to join you during this not so cruel month!